For years, I’ve been behind closed doors, editing, crafting, masterminding the idea of Elicit Magazine. I never knew it would come as far as it has. I never dreamed of it. To sit here today and have 100s of submissions come across my desk, artists that hope, dream, love the idea of being a musician in today’s industry is a lot to take in.

I have to remind myself that this is what I started and that very reason is why I started it. Yes, it can get overwhelming. But, you know how you feel when you make that ONE song that just … ugh… it takes your breath away, it flies above the rest, it’s your heart, your soul and your baby? That’s how I feel about Elicit.

I used to be in your shoes and honestly, even to this day writing to P.R. firms or record labels introducing myself and the publication, I still am. But, there’s a level of confidence that you reach after so many successes that you begin to tell yourself, I can really do this… I mean, I’m doing this.

I think it’s the same for musicians. Your craft might take a long time to construe, but once you get your name out there, put in the work to get your music out there, your level of confidence will begin to follow.

After five years of manually going through submissions, I can give you a few tips of what turns an editor on and off when submitting music to blogs. I’m not tenured quite yet, but I’m on my way.

1st Tip: Tell Me Your Story

Whether you’re sending in a promotion for your music through a contact form, email or socials… please introduce yourself. We get way too many submissions with a name and a link. I want to know in 100 words what YOUR story is.

I’m not just paying as much attention to the music. And with that, you might say, “what? Ashley that’s crazy, what are you doing?” But the truth is… to stand out in THIS industry, you HAVE to have a story. Tell me who YOU are. I believe in the musician as much as I believe in the person behind the music.

2nd Tip: Be Professional

It goes without saying (but, I guess I’ll say it anyways). Spell your name correctly and the words you use along with it. When I see grammar that’s incorrect, words that are spelled wrong, I skip directly over the submission.

We all talk a certain way, I get it. But, if you want me to pay attention to your music, I have to be able to take you seriously. Start by taking yourself seriously. Use “business” instead of “biz,” use “this” instead of “dis.” You get it, right?

3rd Tip: Details, Details, Details

When you send in a submission, give me some examples of where your music was featured, when was the release date, or if it’s in the future when is the release date. Send me your website, your socials channels, your Spotify, SoundCloud, everything.

If an artist doesn’t have a live performance on a social channel, we tend to skip over it 99% of the time. I look for true artists, not artists that can use a computer to manipulate their sound. Elicit Magazine prides itself on finding amazing musicians, we don’t just promote anybody.

All the best,

Ashley Friedman

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