Guatemalan-born, Mexico City-based art pop artist Mabe Fratti has announced a new album, Sentir Que No Sabes. It’s her first solo album since 2022’s Se Ve Desde Aquí, and it also follows her albums with Titanic, Amore Muere, and La Kriego, Mabe Fratti, Concepción Huerta. It comes out June 28 via Unheard Of Hope (pre-order). The album was written and recorded with her partner and Titanic bandmate Hector Tosta (aka I. La Católica) at their studio Tinho Studios, with Mabe handling cello, vocals, and synths, and Hector handling guitar, piano, bass, synths, production, and arrangements. There were also elements recorded at other studios in the Netherlands and Mexico City, and the album features trumpet by Jacob Wick, drums by Gibrán Andrade, whistle by Estrella Del Sol, and mixing by Santiago Parra.

Along with the announcement comes two singles, “Pantalla Azul” and “Kravitz.” About the former, Mabe says, “This one was born out of me getting a Whammy and playing around with it. I came up with the riff and a melody that was inspired by ‘autotuned’ effects. Héctor pushed the track forward by creating the quantic jump towards the polyrhythmic section that transforms the song. The lyrics make a reference to the ‘stop’ blue on the screen on VHS or the blue screen of a PC when it breaks. Also to an appreciation to what’s unknown and mysterious, and being at peace with the shadow and the complexity of things.”

About “Kravitz,” she says, “It’s a song about the sensation of not knowing where the opinions come from and the chicken or egg question: do they come from outside? Do they come from inside? Also, who wants to listen to these opinions? Who actually listens to them?”

“Pantalla Azul” comes with a video directed by Emanuel Juárez. Check out both singles, the album artwork, and tracklist below.

Mabe Fratti Sentir Que No SabesMabe Fratti Sentir Que No Sabes

1. Kravitz
2. Pantalla azul
3. Elastica II
4. Oídos
5. Quieras o no
6. Enfrente
7. Elastica I
8. Márgen del índice
9. Alarmas olvidadas
10. Descubrimos un suspiro
11. Intento fallido
12. Kitana
13. Angel nuevo

Mabe Fratti — 2024 Tour Dates
05/25 – Düsseldorf, DE – Approximation Festival
05/28 – Barcelona, ES – Primavera Sound
07/05 – Roskilde, DK – Roskilde Festival
11/02 – Torino, IT – C2C Festival
11/06 – London, UK – Pitchfork London
11/07 – Paris, FR – Pitchfork Paris

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